About the Garden of Angels

Our Garden of Angels was started originally at the place where the police discovered the body of Amy Robinson. I went to the place where Amy's body was found, and it was my thought that Amy should be remembered. It is due to the fact that I wanted her life to be remembered that I began the Garden of Angels.

One of the goals of the Garden of Angels is to keep the focus on the memory of the life of the person who was murdered. So often it is the perpetrator that is long recognized after the funeral and the victim in society is soon forgotten. I was not going to let that happen ever again to victims in our area. Our family members are going to be remembered!

Amy never liked to be alone, so the family of Vern Price put a cross for Vern next to Amy's. Also the family of Chad Houston put in a cross for him as well. The Garden of Angels then started to take on a life of its own. Others started to add their crosses. Soon, we had 27 crosses in our Garden.

Later, thanks to donations by several companies and individuals, the new Garden of Angels was built. A&A Construction gave us some land for this new Garden. Now we have 126 crosses. Each cross has its own "story" because all of these crosses are erected in memory of murder victims that have left this world too soon. These crosses also represent a family that will remember their loved ones always.

The trees in the Garden of Angels signify survivors whose life actions focus on stopping other tragic events from reoccuring. It is the goal of the Garden of Angels to take the tragic and then formulate a little magic. We are about kindness, hope for tomorrow, and helping others.

How wonderful it is that no one need wait a single day to make the world a better tomorrow. Please help us stop abuse and violence.

God Bless,
Carolyn Barker
Founder, Our Garden of Angels

Volunteers Enjoy Clean Up Day!

Contact Us

Our Garden of Angels
2134 Goerte Drive
Grand Prairie, Texas 75051
wxmon1@netzero.net (email)

Make A Donation

Our Garden of Angels
2134 Goerte Drive
Grand Prairie, Texas 75051

Please make check payable to "Our Garden of Angels"

501(c)(3) organization

design by matschca design, inc. © 2011 Our Garden of Angels.
All rights reserved